Tenant satisfaction measure surveys are starting soon | News

Tenant satisfaction measure surveys are starting soon


You might remember that last year we started to carry out Tenant Satisfaction Measure (TSM) surveys, which were a new requirement from the Regulator of Social Housing to see how landlords like us are doing at providing good quality homes and services. To find out more about the TSM surveys, click here.

We’ll be sharing the results of the 2023/2024 TSM surveys with you in the next few weeks, but in the meantime, the next round of surveys will be starting on 17 June.


Who will contact me?

This year, we’re working with a new provider to carry out the surveys, called The Leadership Factor (TLF). TLF Research are a customer research agency specialising in customer experience, and are based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. They’re members of the Market Research Society and are fully compliant with Data Protection Laws. They’ll be contacting customers directly over the phone, calling from a number beginning in 01484.


When will they contact me?

TLF will try calling Monday to Friday 9am - 7.30pm, and on Saturdays at 9am - 2pm. The surveys are running from June to December so you might not get called for a few months. Not every customer will be called either.


How long will the survey take?

We expect it’ll take around ten minutes.


Why are TLF contacting me?

We’ve appointed TLF to carry out the TSM surveys on our behalf, so they can do what they’re best at, and we can keep focused on delivering our services for our customers. We’ve partnered with them to carry out our Tenant Satisfaction Measure surveys for this year, which are required by the regulator to see how landlords like us are doing at providing services.


What will TLF ask me?

TLF will ask for your opinions on the services that we provide and may check that your contact details are up to date. They’ll never ask for any personal passwords or financial information such as your bank account details.


What will the information I give in the TSM surveys be used for?

The TSM surveys aren’t just a tick box exercise – we’ll use the results and feedback from customers like you to drive improvements in our services across the board.


Is my feedback confidential?

 Your answers will be kept anonymous, so you won’t be able to be identified through them. You can give your permission for Silva to follow up on any of the things you shared in your survey responses if you want to. If there are any questions you’d prefer not to answer, please let them know and they’ll leave that answer blank.


Didn’t you just carry out some TSM surveys?

TSMs need to be collected every year, so to make sure we have enough time to survey the number of customers we need to (and a good spread across our geography and tenure types), we’ve decided to start our surveys for the 2024/2025 financial year now. The results of last year’s surveys will be shared soon.


Why haven’t I been contacted?

You'll only be eligible to complete the survey if you live in low-cost rental accommodation - including social rented homes, supported housing, intermediate rent and temporary social housing – or low-cost home ownership like shared ownership properties which are not fully staircased.   

We only contact a sample of our customers (enough to make sure the data is reliable), so you might not be contacted to complete the survey. 


I have some more questions about the TSM surveys

You can contact the TLF team via email field@leadershipfactor.com com if you have any questions about the survey. Or, you can call TLF on 01484 599 610. If you’d like to talk to us, you can get in touch by: 


I don’t want to be contacted by TLF anymore

We’re legally required to carry out the Tenant Satisfaction Measure surveys, which means we have an obligation to contact customers as part of this. We can’t exclude any individuals from potentially being contacted, but you of course have the choice to decline to take part. If you’d rather not give your feedback and participate in the TSM survey, just let TLF know if they call you.

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