Residents' associations - leading the way where you live | News

Residents' associations - leading the way where you live

Residents' associations can help bring the community together on issues that affect them, fostering a sense of pride for the area. Importantly it gives customers a voice, something that we’re passionate about supporting.  Today we’d like to share some information on how these groups operate and give you some advice and guidance on how to set one up in your community.

So, if you:

  • are interested in meeting new people and building the community spirit in your neighbourhood;
  • have ideas for activities or events that you would like to make a reality but need a helping hand;
  • are part of an existing residents association or community group;
  • need help to start a new group – so you can improve the area you live in;

Get in touch with us

We can help make the connections and put you in touch with likeminded people and groups who can support you in reigniting a resident group or setting up a new one.  

We also have a handy residents association guide. It has all the important information you need to get started.

Guide for starting up and running residents' association [pdf] 300KB

To find out more contact our Community Investment team by emailing or by calling 0300 123 1897 and we will arrange for someone from the team to get in touch.

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