An update on the Bay House redevelopment project | News

An update on the Bay House redevelopment project

The process of re-housing residents of Bay House started in July 2018, and the last resident left in September 2020. This decision was taken due to the soil stack failing and leaking sewages into the ground floor dwellings, along with several other issues with the building. Prior to submitting the planning application, we held a local public consultation during September 2021 on the redevelopment proposal for Bay House. The planning application was submitted to Bracknell Forest Council on 30 March 2022 and since then Silva Homes have been back and forth with the planning department to obtain planning permission.

We are currently waiting for the Environment Agency to respond to Bracknell Forest Council. This is because Bay House sits within a predicted flood zone, and we have had to include measures in the proposed plans to mitigate the risk posed by any predicted flooding by the flood modelling and these measures need to be approved by the Environment Agency.

This area has no history of flooding, and the flood map planning is part of future-proofing the area. If you have any questions on this then please visit the Environment Agency website for more information.

Once the Environmental Agency has responded to the council then we hope to receive the outcome of the planning application. It is only when we receive full planning permission that any work can progress on-site.

We know that having a site unoccupied for a long time is unsightly and it has now been a number of years. We did not expect this process to take as long as it has done, but we are keen to progress as quickly as we can when planning permission is obtained.

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