Frequently asked questions

Where is Silva Homes' head office and what are the opening hours?

Our HQ is in Bracknell, in the Western Peninsula office. Opening hours are Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 5pm. Western Peninsula is closed on bank holidays.

The address is: 
Western Road
RG12 1RF

Does a bus service run from Bracknell Town Centre to Western Peninsula? 

Reading buses number X4 goes from Bracknell bus station in Bracknell Town Centre to Western Road (where Western Peninsula office is located) (bound for Reading). 

Should I contact Silva Homes or my local council? 

Silva Homes is a housing association and looks after all matters relating to rents, tenancies and estates issues with Silva Homes.

Local councils look after matters regarding council tax, street care, lighting, sport and leisure in the borough, social services and education. The Council manages the housing waiting list and the priority banding for bidding on properties.

How do I apply for a garage?

More information about renting a garage, as well as a short application form

How do I give notice to stop renting a garage?

Complete the form here

Can I keep a pet?

Find out about pet ownership

How do I rent a home?

If you are interested in renting (including retirement schemes) you'll need to register with your local council's housing register first.

Find out more about renting a home

What services do you provide for older and vulnerable people?

Silva Homes owns and manages 10 independent living schemes. 

More information about independent living

Where do I enquire about roads, parking and disabled parking spaces?

The council's highways department handles applications for disabled parking bays and looks after the highways. You can find out about road gritting and works on your council's website.

Can I get help if I am having difficulty paying rent?

If you are having difficulty paying your rent please contact your income management officer as soon as possible on 01344 382800. There are many support options and most problems with rent arrears can be sorted out if early action is taken.

More information about rent

When is rent due? 

Your rent is due every Monday for the week ahead. It is important that you pay your rent in full and on time. 

Find out how to pay your rent

Can I get a satellite dish installed on my property?

If you live in a house, you will most likely be able to. You should check with your Neighbourhood Services Officer on 01344 382800.

If you live in a flat, you are not allowed to get a satellite dish installed. There may already be a communal dish and you should contact your Neighbourhood Services Officer on 01344 382800. Alternatively you can contact a service provider that doesn't require a dish to be installed, for example Virgin Media.

Where can I find out more about Silva Homes?

More information about Silva Homes

How do I apply for an aid, adaptation or a level access shower for my property?

We may be able to carry out adaptations to your home.

Find out more about adaptations 

Or please telephone Bracknell Forest Council's Social Services Community Response and Reablement Team on Bracknell 01344 351500 for an assessment. Silva Homes also has Trusted Assessors to carry out assessments for minor adaptations.

Other information

Requests for information and data protection

Information about data protection and requesting information

Alternative formats and languages

We aim to provide information in a way that suits your needs. We can translate documents into many different languages or we can produce documents in Braille, large print, audio or CD formats on request.

Learn more information about Language Line on their website

Some Silva Homes' employees can communicate in a variety of formats and languages.

If you would like any page of this website or document in another language or format, or if you require the services of an interpreter, please contact us by calling 01344 382800.